
Unit 7 The Cellist of Sarajevo


Words for Production

1、    地球是太陽系唯一有生物的行星,到目前為止,科學家還沒在別的星球上發現生物。
The earth is the solitary planet in the solar system where living creatures exist. So far, scientists still can’t find any living organisms on any of the other planets.

2、    半夜自己一個人在公園散步還滿危險的。
It can be really dangerous to take a solitary walk in the park at midnight.

3、    〈創造亞當〉是米開朗基羅最著名的畫作,此作品就畫在西斯汀教堂的天花板上。

4、    One of Michelangelo’s most famous compositions, the Creation of Adam, waspainted on theceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

5、    這名科學家日以繼夜研究大氣層的變化,希望能找出全球暖化對地球有哪些衝擊。
Day and night, the scientist studied the change in the composition of the atmosphere to explore the impacts of global warming.

6、    莫札特是一名才華洋溢的音樂家,創作過無數的曲子,其中多首至今仍廣為流傳。
Mozart, a talented musician, composed hundreds of pieces of music, many of which are still played by people today.

7、    蘭嶼地質崎嶇貧瘠,限制了當地可栽種的農作物品種。
Orchid Island is mainly composed of rugged and infertile land, which limits the types of agricultural crops that the locals can plant there.

8、    每位水災災民拿到的新鮮食物及飲用水都一樣多。
Fresh food and drinkable water were distributed to the flood victims, and each of them (
each of whom) received an equal amount.

9、    倘若旱象持續下去,政府就要規定全市限水了。
If the drought continues, the government will have to limit the distribution of water throughout the city.

10、    小姐的家世很好,父母親都是學者,既傑出又有名望。
Ms. Liang comes from a very distinguished family. Both of her parents are outstanding and respected scholars.

11、    公孔雀的尾巴有漂亮的羽毛;母的則沒有。
A peacock can be distinguished from a peahen (
雌孔雀) by its beautiful tail feathers.

12、    Sean分不出這兩個雙胞胎,因為他們長得實在是太像了。
Sean found it difficult to distinguish one twin from the other because they looked very alike.

13、    學生受教育除了增廣見聞外,還能明辨是非
In addition to providing knowledge, another important purpose of education is to teach students how to distinguish between right and wrong.

14、    《伊索寓言》提到城市老鼠帶鄉下老鼠逛大城市時,鄉下老鼠一開始還興奮過了頭。
In Aesop’s Fables, the country mouse was at first overwhelmed with excitement when the city mouse was showing him around the big city.

15、    Nelson窮於應付桌上的一堆作業,很後悔自己拖了那麼久才做。
Nelson was overwhelmed by the piles of unfinished assignments on his desk, and he regretted that he had procrastinated for so long.

16、    先生得知自己有了高血壓,就下定決心改變飲食,少碰鹹的東西。
After learning that he had high blood pressure, Mr. Wu resolved to change his diet and cut down on salty snacks.

17、    政府迅速採取行動,解決農民和發展商的糾紛。
The government took prompt action to resolve the conflict between the farmers and the developer.

18、    與數名遭人持刀砍傷的被害人談過了話加強了該警探要把兇手繩之以法的決心。
Speaking with the victims of a knife attack strengthened the detective’s resolve to catch the attackers.

19、    公園中央有一片綠油油的草地,這座城市的居民可以坐在那裡欣賞美景。
In the midst of the park lies a green meadow, where the city’s residents can sit and enjoy a pleasant view.

20、    曠野上的大窟窿經判斷為二次大戰所留下的彈坑。
The huge hole in the field was identified as a bomb crater that had been created during World War II.

21、    小偷破壞上鎖的窗戶,潛進屋內,偷走保險箱裡的貴重物品。
The thief smashed the locked windows, crept into the house, and stole the valuables in the safe.

22、    那場地震搖得很厲害,廚房櫥櫃裡的玻璃器具全掉到地上,摔成碎片。
Due to the severe earthquake, the glassware in the kitchen cabinet fell to the floor and smashed into pieces.

23、    Rick看到自己的名貴茶杯從桌上掉到地上,應聲碎裂,心裡難過極了。
Rick was very upset when he saw his expensive teacups fall down from the table and hit the floor with a smash.

24、    雖然Gordon很怕高,還是希望有朝一日能當上民航機的駕駛。
Though he is terrified of heights, Gordon still hopes that one day he will      become an airline pilot.

25、    銀行搶匪揚言要對銀行客戶開槍,這可把行員嚇壞了,所以他們全都乖乖就範。
The bank robber’s threat to shoot the customers terrified the clerks, so they gave in and did as they were told.

26、    像是舊課本以及聖誕節飾品等東西,平常都用不到,所以放在地下室。
Some items that we seldom use, such as our old textbooks and Christmas decorations, are stored down in the cellar.

27、    專家說大人不應該體罰小孩,因為受體罰的孩子不但會受傷,自尊心也會蕩然無存。
Experts advise that children should not receive any physical punishment, for it will not only hurt them physically but also rob them of their dignity.

28、    Stan讀了西洋文明史,就理解國人是怎樣發展自己的文化的。
After studying the history of Western civilization, Stan grasped how the British were able to develop their own culture.

29、    中國以前教化鄰國的方式有很多種,其中之一就是提倡使用漢字。
In ancient times, China civilized its neighboring countries by various means, including promoting the use of the Chinese language.

30、    電台司令的專輯名稱為〈OK電腦〉,這張專輯傳達了該樂團對科技的理念。
The album was entitled “OK Computer” by the band Radiohead to convey their ideas about technology.

31、    這間工廠的員工有資格免費吃午、晚餐,員工一毛錢也不必花。
The workers at this factory are entitled to free lunch and dinner. They don’t have to spend their money on these meals.

32、    數百人就上街遊行,表達內心對政府對對新推出的經濟政策的不滿。
Hundreds of people went on the march to express their outrage over the government’s new economic policies.

33、    這間商店常漲價,許多消費者氣不過,找消基會調查此事。
Many consumers are outraged by the store’s constant price increases, and they are seeking the aid of the Consumer’s Foundation to look into this situation.

34、    這人在殺人之後,卻逍遙法外,這實在是太令人無法容忍了。
It’s outrageous that the man walked free after he had committed murder.

35、    這台車的輪胎遭人割破,整台車動彈不得,現在就只能停在路邊。
With its tires slashed, the car was unable to move. Now, it is parked on the side of the road.

36、    這部動畫片很精采,小朋友深受吸引,看得聚精會神。
The exciting animated film gripped the children. All of their attention was on the film.

37、    吊橋搖晃了起來,我緊抓著纜繩,不敢往下看。
When the suspension bridge (吊橋) wobbled, I gripped the cable of it and didn’t dare to look down.

38、    CindyPaul放開她的手,因為Paul把她弄疼了。
Cindy asked Paul to release his grip on her hand because it was hurting her alot.

39、    Richard在住家附近目睹了一起暴力事件,就立刻報警。
Rachael witnessed a violent crime in her neighborhood and reported it to the police without delay.

40、    這起綁架案遲遲未偵破,因為目擊證人以及相關線索都不足。
For lack of eye witnesses or any related clues, the kidnapping case remained unsolved.

41、    你一定要事先買火車票,不然到家前可能都得站在走道上。
Make sure to buy a train ticket ahead of time, or you may end up standing in the aisle all the way home.

42、    Julian深情地摟了媽媽一下,然後上了火車,前往軍營。
Julian held his mother in a warm embrace before he boarded the train to the military camp.

43、    國人見到家人或是好友時,通常會彼此擁抱,親吻對方的臉頰。
Russians usually embrace each other with kisses on the cheeks when they greet a family member or a close friend.

44、    Walter是一名設計師,既年輕又有幹勁樂於改變,隨時願意嘗試不熟悉的事情
As a young, dynamic designer, Walter embraces change enthusiastically and is always willing to leave his comfort zone.

45、    Ted最喜愛的球隊奪冠,他高興的大叫。
Ted erupted in joy when his favorite team won the championship.

46、    兩國的和平會談一破裂,戰爭就緊接著爆發了。
The war between the two countries erupted right after the peace talks had failed.

47、    昨晚街頭發生暴動,一群暴民放火燒了幾輛停在街上的車子。
There was an eruption of street violence last night. The irrational crowd set fire to several cars on the streets.

48、    Sara大言不慚地高聲談論自己期中考是怎麼作弊的。
Sara unashamedly talked out loud about how she cheated in the midterm exams.

49、    Norman很愛錢,且不引以為恥。他會利用任何可以快速致富的機會。
Norman’s unashamed love of money has driven him to make use of every opportunity to make a quick buck.

50、    對於我說話不算話這一點,我深感愧疚。你願意既往不咎嗎?
I was ashamed that I didn’t keep my promise. Will you forgive me?

51、    Sandra留了一頭烏溜溜的長髮,不但臉蛋顯得很小,迷人的五官也更加立體了。
Sandra’s long dark hair not only frames her face and makes it look small, but it also highlights her attractive features.

52、    Jasmine把自己的學位證書放在木框裡,掛在牆上。
Jasmine put her degree certificate (證書) in a wooden frame and hung it on the wall.

53、    滂沱大雨就這麼從天空傾瀉而下,把我的襯衫和褲子都淋濕了。
The heavy rain poured down from the sky, soaking my shirt and pants.

54、    要把沾了油漬的平底鍋跟盤子洗乾淨,你可以在洗之前,先用熱水浸泡。
To clean the oily pans and dishes, you can soak them in hot water before you wash them.

55、    先把襯衫泡一下,這樣一來,要洗掉上頭的髒污就會比較容易。
Give your dirty shirt a soak first. That way, the stains will come off more easily when you wash it.

56、    Margaret這麼優秀的人我還是第一次見到。她會玩很多樂器,寫的歌也很好聽。
Margaret is the most talented person that I have ever encountered. She is able to play several instruments as well as compose beautiful songs.

57、    先生提議增設分公司,卻遭到委員會掣肘。
Mr. Yang’s proposal to open another branch encountered strong opposition from the committee.

58、    Rita當初參加朋友婚禮時,認識了現在的老公,Rita覺得這再浪漫不過了。
Rita considers it romantic that her first encounter with her husband was at the wedding of their mutual friend.

59、    這場舞蹈大賽有十位評審,其中三位是職業街舞舞者
The panel of judges for this dancing competition consists of ten people, three of whom are professional break dancers.

60、    這家飯店位於曼徹斯特的郊區,十分幽靜,房客還聽得到大廳時鐘的滴答聲。
Located on the outskirts of Manchester, the hotel was so quiet that its guests could pick up the sound of a clock ticking in the lobby.

61、    這間公司為了改良產品,費了不少苦心,目前已漸漸在軟體市場執牛耳了。
Having made every effort to improve its products, the company has grown into a dominant force in the software market.

62、   現在工作職缺越來越少,員工無不擔心自己的飯碗不保。
In the face of so many job cuts, employees are worried about job security.

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